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By October 5, 2017April 30th, 2022No Comments

Many people interested in rural life are familiar with MaryJane’s Farm in Moscow, Idaho. MaryJane Butters is to small farming/homesteading what Martha Stewart is to domesticity: a brilliant entrepreneur who took a humble profession and elevated it to a magnificent art form.

Well, guess what: MaryJane uses the UltimateEZ milker with her Jersey cows.

In the Oct/Nov 2017 issue of MaryJane’sFarm magazine (pgs. 64-65, to be exact), Ms. Butters is photographed in a white dress with her beautiful Jerseys. “I don’t really milk my cows in a white dress,” she admits, “but I was inspired to dress in one for my ‘Milk Cow Kitchen’ book because I’ve comes across so many historic photos of Victorian women milking a cow while dressed in white. We’ve come a long way, because not only am I missing a corset, I also get to use a small, portable machine called the Ultimate EZ Milker. Truly easy and brilliantly designed, it turns the chore into an absolute pleasure.”

Thank you, MaryJane, for your vote of confidence!