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By September 12, 2020April 30th, 2022No Comments

Word is getting out about Udderly EZ hand-milking products!

In the June 2020 issue of American Dairymen, Buck Wheeler (founder of EZ Animal Products) explains how he got started manufacturing the EZ line of hand-milkers. They say necessity is the mother of invention, and this was literally true in Wheeler’s case.

It all started from a desperate moment in which he was trying to get colostrum into a newborn foal. The difficulties in milking a mare convinced him there had to be a better way. Thus the Udderly EZ Hand Milker was born.

(Milking a mare)

From there, demand – and product improvements – snowballed until today, EZ Animal Products offers an extensive line of inventions to handle any circumstance: On or off-grid, people with physical limitations, massive herd sizes, big animals or tiny ones, commercial enterprises or small homesteads, sick or injured animals, different species … you name it and Wheeler has a solution for it.

(Milking a camel)

The takeaway lesson is how EZ hand-milkers aren’t just for goats. Or horses. Or cows. They’re also for yaks, camels, reindeer, buffalo, and any other domestic animal that gives milk. Additionally, the EZ hand-milkers cross every culture and every nationality.

(Milking a water buffalo)

And this is why word about the EZ Animal Products is spreading fast. And, as always, EZ Animal Products are proudly made in the USA, and every product comes with a “Made in the USA” label.

Here’s a testimonial from a happy customer.