“Owning dairy animals requires extreme loyalty to the animals. Early mornings and late nights are just the beginning of what dairy families endure. So, when a product is found that can make life a little simpler, why not give it try?”
So begins a recent blog post on Mother Earth News’ website by a homesteader named Carrie Miller.
It seems Ms. Miller was stymied by the lack of affordable products for small livestock holders, particularly milking machines. The search for a suitable milker was based in part on her husband’s Muscular Dystrophy. “I needed something easy for my husband to use but also simple for me to clean and maintain,” she noted.
So when she discovered the Ultimate EZ. “Farmers and homesteaders can’t necessarily afford the opportunity to try out a lot of new products,” she wrote. “What if you spend a ton of money to only find yourself disappointed with the purchase? For many, this fear alone keeps them from trying new equipment and/or products.”
After buying the machine, she was thrilled with the results. “The Ultimate EZ Milker, wow where to even start. I have only recently purchased this product but have fallen madly in love with it. … This little pint-size power punching machine is not your typical milking machine.”
From the first, Ms. Miller enjoyed the Ultimate EZ. “This machine is not a stereotypical pulsating machine, it works off a completely different technology. Even our first freshener [goat] took right to it with no issue. … Have we had any problems due to the lack of pulsation? Absolutely not! It is extremely gentle on the girls, causing no pain or irritation.”
Ms. Miller liked the customer service she received from Buck Wheeler. “For me, I like to go directly to the horse’s mouth. I always contact the higher ups of a company and ask the hundred and one questions I have. If they don’t respond or seem less than willing to provide the information I seek, I simply move on to another product. At the end of the day customer service is number one to me, like most buyers. I want to know if there’s a problem down the road, that the company will work with me to find a solution. If the company is unwilling to talk to you when you’re thinking about purchasing their product, what’s the chance they will when there’s a problem.”
The review concludes with this happy note: “These are the opinions of Miller Micro Farm, not the opinions of Mother Earth News. Miller Micro Farm is endorsing this product because we love it. We have not been paid by the company to do so.”
Good to know!