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By March 9, 2018April 30th, 2022No Comments

Some more monitoring of chatter on milking forums. One person wrote:

Have u tried the Udderly EZ Milker???

I am just wondering becuz I have couple of goats is SOOO hard to milk by my hand!!! It just pain in the rear!!! UGH. So I was wondering if people have tried that or not. Cuz I dont want to waste my money on that. I cannot afford to buy milking machine. It is too expensive for me to buy. Please let me know. Thank u so much…

Immediately a helpful respondent chimed in with her recommendation for the EZ Milker. She wrote:

The EZ Milker is an entirely new invention developed to extract colostrum for foals. I don’t know how many of you have tried to milk a horse, but I have and it ain’t easy! Every piece of the EZ Milker (except for the silicone insert I believe) is American made and it all fits together very nicely. It retails between about $130 – $185. I consider this a good value because everything is included. Different sized extractors, different sized bottles, even udder wipes. Once it arrives it is very easy to assemble and use. The milk only comes in contact with the extractor and milk container so as long as you start with a clean udder the milk stays perfectly clean. Disassembly is very easy and cleaning is also very easy. The extractors are smooth and contoured to be comfortable for the goat.

[Note: The silicone inserts are now proudly made in the USA.]

Some more happy customers!