Necessity was the mother of invention!
EZ Animal Products is a family-owned business operated by Buck & Karen Wheeler together with their son John. All orders are received, manufactured, and packed in-house. We ship out daily on a worldwide basis!
After many years of coming up on the short end of the stick handling horses, entrepreneur, trainer, horseman, and inventor, Buck Wheeler decided to do something about it. Together with his wife Karen they invented the two products that are now being used on a multitude of animals and species.
In May of 1996, five days after applying for the patent on his first invention, The Stableizer® was used on that year’s Kentucky Derby winner Grind Stone. Three weeks later lightning would strike again and Editors Note won the Belmont Stakes.
In 2006 Street Sense was named the two-year-old Champion, an Eclipse Award winner, and in 2007 he won the Kentucky Derby and other major Stake Races. The Stableizer® was used on him in various applications of his training.

Buck holding Kentucky Derby winner Street Sense wearing The Stableizer
”The Stableizer is the greatest tool I’ve ever run into for protecting the animal, and helping you handle him. We take all the horses to the paddock with it; we used to take them all with lip chains, but The Stableizer® is more adjustable and predictable! It really makes them focus.
Carl NafzgerThoroughbred Hall of Fame and Eclipse Award Trainer, 2007 Kentucky Derby Winner “Street Sense”, 2006 Juvenile Champion and BC Winner “Unbridled”, 1990 Kentucky Derby Winner

Buck with Clive Brittain at his yard in the UK, trainer to The Queen and Sheik Muhammed from Dubai
From student to teacher...
More About Buck Wheeler
Wheeler was born and raised on a large cattle and horse ranch in Solen, North Dakota; on the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation (he is an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe) He learned his horsemanship from his father and other Native Americans of the day. He has instructed all 9 units of the US Army and Cavalry, one of the trainers in the UK to the Queen, & Sheik Mohammed of Dubai, and given many clinics in Europe and at the major Equine and Amish events throughout the USA and Canada.
A problem to solve...
The Next Invention
The Wheelers now live in Lexington, KY. Following many years of foaling out Thoroughbred foals they knew they had to change the way they were collecting the colostrum from their TB mares.
“Collecting colostrum by hand was not very easy or reliable, and most of all it could get very dangerous very fast,” says Wheeler.

The Udderly EZ Mare Milker makes it easy & safe to collect colostrum!
As with The Stableizer®, they worked on their next invention of the Udderly EZ™ Milker in the research and development phase for over five years.
“I knew that there just had to be a better and safer way to collect the colostrum from these thoroughbred mares than the way we were doing it, just like everyone else using the 60cc syringe by hand, and women’s breast pumps DID NOT WORK!”
This idea had a natural progression into the Sheep, Goat, Cow, and Camel world. By adding 3 sizes of color-coded silicone inserts into the Extractor tubes and making individual kits with their own bottles that worked best for each species, we have developed quart, pint, and 8-ounce colostrum collection bottles. This gave the pump a much greater possibility for the use on many more species & a special nipple that fits into all bottles.

2003 R & D our very first pump and still experimenting!

In 2003 we had a mare die after foaling and I sent the hired man to go buy some goat milk and he came back with the goat and baby! The rest is history!

The product has been on the world marketplace going on 18 years in the fall of 2022 and has far surpassed their wildest dreams. “Word of mouth and the Internet has pushed this product to the outer limits worldwide, and without that no matter how much a person advertises or promotes, if it doesn’t work it won’t sell!” says Wheeler. Many of the leading Veterinary Teaching Schools are using their products and have implemented them into their teaching curricular and everyday use and it has been endorsed by some of the leading professionals worldwide.
“It is most gratifying that after 17 years of first coming out with the Udderly EZ Mare Milker (it now is being used by all animals) It was added into the 2nd Edition of EQUINE REPRODUCTIVE PROCEDURES (pg.400) an 800-page textbook for all veterinary students, Vets, and Professionals on June 26th, 2021.”
Expanding the line...
The Ultimate EZ Electric Milker
After 4 years of research and development into our next invention, the Ultimate EZ Electric Milker, we simply moved all the parts and expertise over into an electric vacuum pump that has a regulator and works on all the same animals that the Udderly Ez did with one exception, it ships with the ability to milk two teats at once, and has the ability to milk 4 teats (Ultimate EZ 4 Accessory) or two animals at once and at the same speed of the inline or jug milkers.
Meeting our customers' needs...
Off-Grid Solutions
And now we have the Ultimate EZ Stainless Steel Bucket Milkers in both 2.6 Gallon and 5 Gallon buckets that can be powered for those totally living off-grid with a 300 Watt Inverter that uses 20 Watt DeWalt & 18 Volt Milwaukee and Makita Batteries. At least a 6Ah and above batteries are recommended. Last year we added another dimension to the Milkers with the new Air Milker. It can be incorporated into a barn’s inline air lines and it has its own regulator on it to control the vacuum output going into the SS Bucket. (Primarily used by the Amish, who cannot use any type of electricity.)
Help for all stages of breeding...
The Buck-a-Long
With over 60 years in the breeding and training business, I figured out a way to lead and handle foals in a very safe manner from the day of birth onward. Our Buck A Long has been a must-have for leading Studs, and small breeders worldwide. Not only on young foals, but is a great help in teaching young calves to learn to lead as well.
”Our inventions are always in a state of upgrade, as we do listen to the clients that may call in or e-mail us as to some suggestions to add to the existing products. Karen and I want to thank all of you who have sent in great pictures, endorsements and good wishes, we are committed to serving our agriculture industry.
Buck and Karen Wheeler