This just came in from a client that I’ve been working with. We used our New Large Silicone inflation in the Udderly EZ on this goat to get the job done properly. — Buck
Kelly’s story:
I was given this goat because her udder is deformed and all the kids she gave birth to died shortly after birth because they couldn’t nurse.
It takes them about 3 days to figure out how to nurse with me helping them every few hours, even during the night. I haven’t lost a kid yet doing this but it was really hard to milk her by hand. I almost gave up but then remembered seeing an ad for the Udderly Ez hand milker and called Mr. Wheeler to see if he thought it would work on my goat. I sent him a picture of her udder and he said we could try it. So I bought the kit and it worked great without the silicone insert.
When he remade the silicone insert with a much bigger hole, he sent me one to try. It works great and I get more milk from each teat than I did without the silicone insert!
All milked out!
Thank you,