Recently, our very own Buck Wheeler sat down with Christy Wozniak of North American Ag…
AR{yxGW44eAugust 25, 2022
The following article was featured in the American Cattlemen’s conference in Nashville, Tennessee. You can…
AR{yxGW44eApril 1, 2021
Word is getting out about Udderly EZ hand-milking products!In the June 2020 issue of American…
AR{yxGW44eSeptember 12, 2020
EZ Animal Products are uniquely suited to the Plain communities — the Amish, the Mennonites,…
AR{yxGW44eAugust 26, 2018
“Owning dairy animals requires extreme loyalty to the animals. Early mornings and late nights are…
AR{yxGW44eMay 9, 2018
A product review for the Udderly EZ was prominently featured in the March/April 2018 issue…
AR{yxGW44eApril 6, 2018
Some more monitoring of chatter on milking forums. One person wrote: Have u tried the…
AR{yxGW44eMarch 9, 2018