Udderly EZ Sheep Milker


The UEZ Sheep Milker is invaluable to collect colostrum, milk, or treat mastitis in commercial as well as small breeding operations.

Sheep Milker Kit includes:

  • 2 – #2 extraction cylinders
  • 2 silicone inflation inserts (small and medium)
    • *if large is required order off the accessories page
  • Bottle nipple
  • Udder wipes
  • The Udderly EZ pump
  • 2-8 oz colostrum / milk collection bottles with caps
  • 1 pint bottle milk/ colostrum collection bottles with caps.
  • Operation Manual and DVD
  • Microfiber Dairy Towel

*Please allow up to 14 days for standard delivery for all foreign orders on the Ult Ez, call for a shipping quote.

**Please note: Wheeler Enterprises, Inc. will replace any Udderly EZ part shown to be defective in manufacture within 6 months of purchase with a receipt, provided the product was used in accordance with the enclosed instructions. Shipping and handling costs are not covered under warranty.


Sheep Milking Machines

The UDDERLY EZ MILKER™ was designed and tested over a five year research and development period with input from leading industry Professionals, Flock masters, Herdsmen, Veterinarians and Breeding Farm Managers from around the world.

The Udderly EZ™ Sheep, Pygmy & Exotic Milker #EZ004, our sheep milking machine, is the safest and most effective hand held, trigger-operated vacuum pump available. Ideal for the collection of colostrum and the milking of Ewes for extra milk to feed triplets or until you can draft a lamb onto another ewe. With the two extra silicone inserts you have four teat sizes to accommodate all the different size teats. The 8 oz colostrum bottles are ideal to draw the colostrum with or you can freeze right in the bottle and start your own colostrum bank. The EZ Milker is an excellent option for the treatment of mastitis and will greatly reduce the need for buying expensive dry milk replacer.

UEZ Sheep Milking for Cheese

The Udderly EZ Sheep Milker used to collect colostrum and milk ewes @ Good shepherd Cheese Company in Kentucky

Success Stories & Endorsements

I received an Udderly EZ Milker for my birthday in July 2008 from my wife and boys. When I first saw this item I had my doubts about this invention, however when I started to lamb, the EZ Milker was tested and it worked wonders! Why oh why hadn't I got one years ago. We have now completely changed over to their 8 oz colostrum bottles as they take less vacuum to extract the colostrum from the ewe and the material in the 8 oz prevents it from collapsing unlike the larger bottles. The milker made it easier to obtain the milk and the ewes never moved or kicked and the amount of milk was greater and much cleaner than milking by hand. This is Udderly a great invention.

Mels van der LaanCold stream Ranch | Ontario, Canada

David Hanson, a sheep breeder in Bedfordshire, UK liked the Udderly EZ™ Sheep Milker so well after using it his first lambing season last spring; he became a dealer for the company. “After the ewe lambs and I have treated and tended to it, I place it in front of the ewe to finish licking it off. I just put the Udderly EZ™ onto the ewe and draw out 200 milliliters of fresh colostrums. More often than not she doesn’t even know I am doing it.” “It’s very easy on the teat, and there is never any kicking or anything like that. After I get the colostrum I just pop it into a bottle and get the lamb sucking the bottle.”

“It has worked on every ewe I have use it on and now after having used it, I can never imagine not having the EZ Milker™”

David HansonSheep Breeder | Bedfordshire, UK

Mastitis is an important part of sheep morbidity. It is usually caused by the bacterium staphylococcus or streptococcus. But it can also be caused by injury, malnutrition or a contaminated or malfunctioning milking system. It would be beneficial to have access to a method for retarding bacterial growth in raw milk during collection.

I believe the Udderly EZ Sheep Milker™ to have advantages in three important aspects such as:

Milking Hygiene, during the actual milking process. Helping to prevent teat injury and in the treatment of Mastitis. It is the most efficient way of collecting Colostrum.

These facts are significant in concern to the health and safety of sheep milk as a raw material of sheep cheese and other products, health and productivity factors for the sheep industry and the collecting and storage of lifesaving colostrum for the newborn.

Associate Prof. Dr. Ebru EmsenAtaturk University Department of Animal Science | Erzurum, Turkey

Additional information

Weight2.5 lbs
Dimensions12 × 9 × 4 in

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